Hamtaro - Saffron Henderson
Bijou - Chantal Strand
Panda - Jillian Micheals
Boss - Ted Cole
Oxnard -
Cappy - Tabitha St. Germain
Maxwell - Brad Swaile
Dexter - Samuel Vincent
Howdy - Paul Dobson
Sandy - Chantal Strand
Stan - Noel Fisher
Pashmina - Jocelyne Loewen
Penelope - Cathy Weseluck
Snoozer - Cathy Weseluck
Elderham - David Ward
Pepper- Cathy Weseluck
Aunt Vivian - ?
Jingle - Terry Klassen
Laura Haruna - Moneca Stori
Forrest Haruna - Samuel Vincent
Marian Haruna - Cathy Weseluck
Willow Haruna - ?
Katelin Endo - ?
Laura's grandpa - Richard Newman
Brandy - ?
Kana Iwata - Daniella Evangelista
Conrad Iwata - Trevor Devall
Cindy Iwata - Ellen Kennedy
Phil Yoshi - Scott McNeil
Charlotte - ?
Travis - Matt Smith
Melanie Foster - ?
Melanie's Dad - Scott McNeil
Maria - ?
June - ?
Kylie - ?
Kip - ?
Sue - ?
Hilary - Kelly Sheridan
Noel - ?
Mimi - ?
Mimi's dad - ?
Dylan - Michael Dobson
Glitter - ?
Herbert - ?
Françoise - ?
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~Hamtaro World~ is copyrighted by yours truly, Paige, but I do not own the pictures here at this website unless they are titled
"By Paige aka xgothicxhamxhamx". Thank you for your understanding =)